Speeding International Commerce

Introducing FXpedite Ltd.

FXpedite is a technology company designed to expedite foreign exchange. Expediting international commerce is in our name and our DNA. By expediting foreign exchange of funds, we speed global commerce by ensuring that capital movement has less friction.

We are not an exchange bureau or a crypto-currency issuer. We are a technology company with innovative solutions designed to automate, simplify and hasten international commerce transactions.


A technology designed to automate international banking transactions with AI robots that sense balances and then move funds between different venues and currencies in a frictionless manner.


An AI-based tool that is designed to vet international businesses quickly and efficiently in order to speed on-boarding of international customers.


An automated single-invoice factoring system designed to improve the availability of working capital for international businesses.

Copyrigth 2024  FEXPEDITE LTD.